Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Philosophy of Technology in Education

At the start of this class I never really imagined myself taking time to integrate technology in my classroom.  I had never known the importance or relevance of technology until now.  Technology is everywhere, and is the future.  The use of technology in the classroom is extremely beneficial to students and teachers alike, that way learning can be more hands on and directly at the students disposal.  Technology allows for a wide range of abilities to be met, and for curriculum and lessons to be adapted to make more interesting.  Activities involving technology for students of all ages allows them to be more involved in classroom activities, active learners, be able to have learning in their hands.  The amount of topics in education allows for a plethora of uses for technology which in turn drives motivation.  Students will feel excited, especially if for an hour they have their own computer, ipad, or smart phone to use applications on directly related to the curriculum.  This also gives educators the opportunity to continue to learn, to continue to challenge themselves to keep finding new fun ways to integrate technology in the classroom.  After this class, and once I have my own classroom, technology will be a large part of my teaching career.

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