Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter 7!

During this chapter, a lot things that were discussed in this chapter were things we as a class have already had the pleasure of going through while creating our cybrary's.  We were acting as teachers, surfing the net in search of educational websites which we could use for different subject areas in the classroom.  We went through and searched for sites and their authors to verify credibility, we played on the sites as well.  When finding software or sites to integrate into your curriculum, you have to make sure they are age and developmentally appropriate, that they serve a purpose and meet standards, that are easily accessible, etc.  You also need to make sure that if they are sites, that they are accurate and not full of false information, such as some sites we looked at about explorers.  Creating forms of assessment is crucial not only for us as teachers but for the success and growth of our students.  There are a variety of assessments the chapter discussed, authentic assessment, project-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and teacher observation, just to name a few.  As a class, we have done project-based assessment with our cybrary's and integrated lesson plans, as well as portfolio assessment with our eporfolios full of our complete work which shows our growth.  The section on lesson plans was helpful, but look and sound slightly different that what I have been accustomed to as far as verbiage.  The rubrics in this chapter were helpful as well, so as to have something to look off of when going through different soft wares and websites to find accuracy, etc.
I wonder how students and teachers alike get through a school year in lower achieving schools in areas like the inner city.  The book touched on integration in one computer classrooms, but what about those kids who don't have a computer at all, and who barely have enough textbooks to go around?  How can technology be introduced to them?
Quiz Contribution: Explain the following:
         Authentic Assessment
         Project-Based Assessment
         Informal Assessment

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