Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 9

In chapter 6 I really liked how much they went into detail about the different learning styles and needs of students that will be met through technology integration.  I also found it interesting on how research is finding out more and more that students are able to retain more knowledge and subject matter when media is involved. It's a win for everyone, questions come up, teachers have a "teachable moment," and they can go into further detail and have the technology to do so. And the students are learning and remembering and pulling that information out later!  I think it's great to have classes offered like ours, as well as many training programs on how to effectively integrate technology in the curriculum.  Wllievers Instructional Transformation model is one of my favorite things from this chapter, familiarization, utilization, integration, reorientation, revolution.  With these in mind on a constant basis, make it possible to know the latest forms of technologies to use in the classroom in order to reach all students from all backgrounds of learning.  Motivation is something that teachers all over are dealing with, and we are in an age where technology is dominating.  Students are not always motivated in school, and certain topics discussed are harder to grasp without hands on interaction, and that is where technology like ipones, and laptops are essential.  I heard on Drex in the morning the other day how technology is taking over the minds of people and instant gratification is something that they are used to.  So teachers called in saying how they accommodate their learning needs with technology, and others are absolutely opposed to it.  By what research says in this book, those who oppose the use and integration of technology in the classroom should read this book and take this class.  I wonder, for those districts that don't have the money to fund such devices, how they will still reach their students.  I wonder how much more difficult it would be to teach in a place where such luxuries do not exist, and how the teachers could go about getting things on their own.  As for the actual quiz contribution question, what is the difference between a computer lab and a wireless mobile lab?

Sze,S. (2009). The Effects of Assistive Technology on Students with Disabilities. Journal of Educational
           Technology Systems, 37(4), 419-429. Retrieved from ERIC Database. 
           (PDF File)

I visited the Merlot website and found this site, called ESkeletons and lets you look and see all the bones in a human and animals body.  You can compare bones and gives you information about each animal and bone, etc.

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