My name is Stacey and I live in Wauconda,IL. I am pursuing a career in Special Education at the high school level. My goal is to return to my old high school, Palatine High School and begin my career there.
When I picture my future students, I see them using all sorts of technology. Special needs students use a lot of technology both in and out of the classroom. I know my future students will use many forms of technology, whether it be power chairs, talking boards, or those newer devicescan translate braille. They will most likely be up to date as far as knowledge on the newest gadgets than I may be.
While reading chapter one, there was a lot of terms that I have heard before, I just never put the word with what I saw. I have used a computer as long as I can remember and I never paid much attention as to the actual things I have been using.
I wonder how much more technology will grow just be semester end, what new gadgets will Special needs kids have in the classroom? How will mainstream teachers incorporate more technology in their classrooms when the latest devices are able to be provided to the students due to lack in funds? How can I prepare myself for such things in my near future?
Quiz Question:
What is the difference between hardware and software?
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